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View the Year End Processes Webinar

12/16/2021 - 11:16:22 AM

Online EBMS Training Event recorded on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021.

This webinar covers year end processes in EBMS including reconciling accounts, verifying balances, utilities, and understanding &using specific year end reporting.


Positions that may find this session helpful: Bookkeepers, Accountants, & Managers

Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced


Can inventory be done with a combination of scanning barcodes using inventory batches and the physical inventory worksheet with manual adjustment?

The mobile scanner can be used in inventory management, adjustments, etc. See the EBMS Inventory Documentation to learn more.

Along with the labor lines, what about the vacation pay? If the days were taken on December 28th, but the payroll doesn't end until 2022, will it pull from 2022 hours or 2021 hours?

Your detail line date will dictate which year the hours will be pulling from even if the pay date is the following year.

Is there an automated way to register with SSA through EBMS?

To register with SSA you need to go to their website. You can review the instructions in our EBMS Labor Documentation.

Our company will be doing a profit sharing payout based on the final P&L Net Income. We usually pay profit sharing at the beginning of February. If the 2021 year is still open, Can I create the bonus pay period as Dec. 31 2021 but a pay date of February 2022?

EBMS would allow you to create a pay period ending in 2021 and have a detail line with a 2021 date and then the pay date being in February as long as the Fiscal month of December is still open. You would also want to make sure you don't file any reports to your accountant for year end until all that is completed since this will affect your P&L accounts used on that bonus payroll.


Visit our Events page to RSVP for future webinars. Feel free to reach out to us with questions.

The Eagle Support Team
717-442-3247 x2


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