Entering Timecards

The timecard window is the main window used to enter employee’s time. Hourly time, daily hours, piecework, commissions, tips and other types of pay are all entered into this window. An employee can only have one timecard per pay period. This screen can also be used to view processed timecards and the taxes withheld from the wages. A pay period must be established before any timecards can be entered.

To enter employee hours into timecards take the following steps:

  1. Go to Labor > Time Card Entry and the following window will appear:

  2. Enter a Worker Id or click on the lookup button to the right of the field and select from the employee list.

  3. Select the Pay Period from the list of open pay periods by clicking on the down arrow. Note that multiple open pay periods can be established at one time.

  4. The Pay Frequency field identifies this timecard as weekly, BI-weekly, or otherwise. The Pay Frequency field is copied from the Pay Frequency field within the employee window. Unless the employee’s pay frequency changes on a regular basis, set the frequency field within the employee window under the Labor > Workers > Pay tab.

  5. An unlimited number of detail lines can be entered within a timecard. If an employee is involved in different workstations within the same day, the multiple work codes must be entered on multiple lines. Each day’s work should be entered on separate detail lines. The window will scroll to accommodate as many lines as necessary.

    1. Enter the Date the employee worked. A separate line should be used for each day in which an employee worked. The expense of the payroll detail line will be posted to the general ledger month in which the detail occurred. For example, if most of the payroll occurred within the last month, but the paycheck was printed this month, the expense would be posted to the month in which the expense occurred, rather than on the date the employee was paid.

    2. Enter the Pay Type, i.e. regular, overtime, etc. These pay types are determined within the Labor > Options window. Go to Labor > Options > Pay Types. The pay type on the first line will default to the pay type that is specified within payroll options (Labor > Options > Settings – Default Pay Type field). The pay type on all other lines will copy from the previous line. The pay type determines the pay rate unless a piecework or prevailing wage code is used. It also identifies the entry format on the wage that is being entered. For example, if the Pay Type is Overtime (hour based) the system will prompt for the number of hours but if the Pay Type is Commission (dollar based) the system would ignore the hour column. Go to Labor > Workers > Pay tab to set the employee’s pay type rates.

    3. The Work Code identifies the type of work the employee was involved in. The general ledger account is set based on the work code. Review the Work Codes > Work Codes section for more details on work codes. This field will default to the pay type work code set in the employee pay tab key (Labor > Workers > Pay tab key – Pay Rates table – Default Work Code). If piecework or prevailing wage work codes are used the rate is derived from the work code.

    4. Enter the Hours worked. If the Pay Type is dollar based this field will be ignored. If a piecework work code is used this column identifies the number of piecework units being processed.

    5. The Rate will be copied from the Labor > Workers > Pay tab – Pay Rates table. This rate can be changed on a per line basis without any problem. For example if you wish to increase the hourly rate for a detail line, change the Rate value to the desired amount. Note that if the Pay Type is dollar based the rate column will be irrelevant.

    6. The Pay will be calculated by multiplying the hours times the rate if the pay type is hour based or of piecework type. This field will be entered directly if the pay type is dollar based.

    7. The Location will default from the employee setting.  Change it if the work rendered on this line is in a different location. Review the Taxes and Deductions > Taxes for Multiple Locations section for more details.

    8. The G/L Account identifies the account that the wage expense is posted to within general ledger. This code is defaulted from the work code.  

    Repeat the steps above for each detail line. Enter a new detail line if either the date, pay type, or work code are different from the line before.
    The source of the timecard detail line can be determined by showing the 3 columns shown below:

    Show the following fields:

    1. The Time Entry Device will indicate the timeclock, user, or other source of the data entry.

    2. The Time Entry User will show the login user that recorded the time. Review the Getting Started > Security > Creating Users and Assigning Rights section of the main documentation for user setup and details.

    3. The Time Entry Date shows the actual date and time of the data entry.

Review Time and Attendance > Timecard Color Codes for information on the green and blue timecard line color codes.
Review Standard Features > Column Appearance of the main documentation for instructions on showing or hiding columns within the timecard.

Overtime can be calculated weekly or daily by selecting Calculate Overtime from the timecard’s Process menu.  Overtime can be calculated from the Worker Payments > Process > Calculate Overtime option. Review the Calculating Overtime section for details and instructions for this powerful feature.  

NOTE: The user can manually alter the regular and overtime pay types after this utility has been completed.

View Options

By clicking on the View menu on the timecard screen you can choose from a number of view options listed below.

Review the Time and Attendance > Daily Hours section for details in entering and processing daily hours. The Daily Hours menu option is an option, which is checked when it is ON or unchecked when the status is OFF.

These View options are optional during Timecard Entry.

Timecard detail lines can also be created using the following methods:

A.      Populated by the task or work order: Review the Tasks section for more details.

B.     Added to the timecard by the Time Track App: Review Microsoft Store App > Store Configuration for details on the user setup for the Time Track App.

Summary Totals

Located at the bottom of the timecard are varieties of summary totals:

Net Pay = Gross Pay – Deductions – Take Home Tips.

Saving a Timecard

Save the timecard by selecting the Save option within the timecard’s File menu or by pressing the Ctrl + S on the keyboard. All processes can be accomplished in a batch manner within the Employee Payment window.

Giving Access to a Personal Timecard

EBMS gives the option to security block workers from accessing sensitive payroll information within the labor module but give individual workers to access only their personal timecard to add labor records.  Review Worker Added Timecard Entries for setup access.

Copying Timecards

Copying timecards for salaried workers or other workers whose timecard detail is very similar each pay period can save data entry.  Review Copying Timecards for instructions.

Creating Another New Timecard

To create another new timecard select File > New within the timecard menu or press Ctrl + N.

Exit the Timecard Window by selecting File > Close from the timecard menu.