Labor Overview

The Labor module of EBMS is very flexible and contains many powerful tools including time and attendance tools, 3rd party payroll utilities, and complete payroll processing tools. The system works well for a small company with a few employees or a larger company with a variety of requirements such as complex deductions or pay types. The timecard system can handle hourly pay, salary, piecework, tips, commissions, and many other types of pay. Benefit pay such as vacation or holiday pay can be easily managed using the tools within the system.  The powerful labor management features of this module can be used to collect, record, and process labor details without processing payroll within EBMS.

Many companies prefer to subcontract payroll to 3rd party processors to manage the legal requirements of payroll. The labor module is an excellent tool to collect labor details and communicate them to a 3rd party payroll company. Review the 3rd Party Payroll section for more details.

The EBMS labor module contains labor and time and attendance tools such as a complete work order system (tasks), job costing, and electronic time clocks. EBMS allows payroll to be based on a weekly or biweekly basis. How often employees are paid is decided by the pay periods and pay dates used. Checks can be printed as often as needed. Review Getting Started > Pay Types for a list of available pay types.

The Labor module of EBMS is fully integrated with the Financials module, making it very easy to have payroll information posted to the G/L as often as necessary. When Time Cards are entered and payments are made to employees, the transactions are posted to the G/L as increases in wages, payroll taxes, taxes payable, and as decreases in cash accounts. When the payment of the payroll taxes is posted as expense invoices or payroll journal entries taxes payable accounts are increased and cash is decreased.

EBMS can handle many types of payroll deductions, both tax and other. The basic tax deductions that are standard will come already set up and will just need to be assigned to employees. Review the Taxes and Deductions section for more details on taxes and other deductions.

Taxes can be calculated based on a job location review the Taxes and Deductions > Taxes for Multiple Locations section for more details.

Work codes are an important tool used to manage labor. Review the Work Codes section.

Review Processing Timecards without Processing Payroll for instructions to configure the labor module to record time but not process any payroll.

Processing Payroll

Complete the following steps to process payroll after the payroll setup has been completed:

  1. Open a payroll period: Review Open New Pay Period for instructions to create or change pay period settings.
  2. Time and attendance tools: Labor detail can be collected using various time tracking tools.  Review the Clock In/Out Times > Daily Hours section for more details on how and why to use these entries.
    1. Time Track time clocks:  Review Time Track Overview for a list of optional time clocks.
    2. MyTime App:   Review MyTime App Overview

    3. Clock in/Out Times dialog:  Review Clock In/Out List for details in recording and reviewing start and stop times within a day.

  3. Timecard entry:  

    1. Review Entering Timecards to directly enter time details into a timecard

    2. Review Tasks > Recording Labor and Completing the Task for details on entering time into a task or worker that is included within the timecard.  

  4. Worker Payments:

    1. Calculate Overtime:  Review Calculating Overtime for instructions to calculate weekly or daily overtime for hourly and piecework workers.

    2. Calculate Taxes: Review Calculating Taxes for details on the typical and advanced process.

    3. Process Payments > Generating pay checks:  Review Processing Payroll > Process Payments for instructions to print pay checks and reports

    4. Process Payments > Processing direct deposit:  Review Direct Deposit > Processing Direct Deposit Pay instructions to generate the direct deposit pay NACHA file and upload it to the bank.

    5. Process Payments > 3rd Party Payroll:  Review 3rd Party Payroll Overview for instructions on using the EBMS Labor module with 3rd party payroll processors.

  5. Close Payroll Period:  Review Closing Payroll Periods for details to complete the payroll process.

Advanced Features