Setting Worker Defaults

It is wise to set employee folder defaults before Entering New Workers. Go to Labor > Options and click on Worker Categories tab. Click on the root folder named Workers and click the Edit Defaults button. The following window will appear:

The Employee window appears very similar to the Employee entry window, but is used only to enter default values. Any data entered in any of the entry fields will default the next time you enter a new employee in the main employee entry window.

EXAMPLE If you set the country entry field default to "USA" then you will not need to enter USA into that field when entering a new employee.

General Tab

Most of the information on the General tab should remain blank with the following exceptions:

  1. Set the Contact Information field labels to reflect the most common contact information that you obtain from your employees. Click on the right arrow button to the right of each of the 5 entry fields and you will be able to select a variety of labels.

  2. Set the Workman’s Comp. Classification to the most common classification used for new employees. If you do not wish to have this field default to a classification, keep the field blank.

Pay Tab

Pay Frequency should be set to the length of the normal payroll period such as Weekly or BI-Weekly.

The employee pay Method should reflect the primary payment method. Review the documentation for more details on this important setting:

The Is subject to minimum wage option should be enabled under normal circumstances. This option is important if piecework payroll is being utilized.

Enter the Minimum Wage rate. Review the Processing Payroll - Advanced > Minimum Wage and Makeup Pay section for more details.

Default Pay Type should be set to the most common pay type, Hourly, or Salary.

Pay Rates and Previous Pay values should be kept blank and be entered at the employee level.

The standard Pay Types should be listed within the default employee setting. Select the new Pay Type you wish to list on all new employees. Perform the following steps to setup defaults in Pay Rates table:

  1. Click on the New Rate button. The following dialog will appear:

  2. Select a Pay Type from the list. The user must create a pay types in the Labor > Options > Pay Types tab before they show on the options list. See the Getting Started > Pay Types section for details on how to create new pay types.

  3. The default Work Code entry is normally blank for default settings unless a work code is always associated with this pay type. See the Work Codes > Work Codes section for details on the function of a work code.

  4. The Rate Formula should be set to Equal to in the default screen if the pay type is hour based. Select the formula template by clicking on the right arrow and choose one of the available templates.

  5. Increment fields are only used for benefit pay types that are limited such as vacation or sick days. Ignore the Increment and hours available field entries if they are not consistent for all employees.

  6. Choose the Increment Condition from one of the following options:

    1. Each Time Card will increment the available benefit hours each time a timecard is processed.

    2. Beginning of Year or Beginning of Anniversary Year option will be available based on the Reset Hours setting within the pay type settings. See the Getting Started > Pay Types section for details on changing this setting to the other option. Both options will increment the Amount once a year.

    3. The Never option will not increment the Hours Available amount automatically but will require manual entry of hours.

  7. The amount field reflects the amount that This Calendar Year is increased each time the Increment Condition is TRUE.

  8. OK to save pay type changes. Repeat these steps for any additional default pay types.

Click Properties button to edit Pay Types.

Click Delete to remove a pay type. Pay types should be deleted from the default list if the pay type is not standard.

The Direct Deposit option should be disabled in the default employee dialog. Direct Deposit options should be set whenever a new employee is added.

Personal Tab

Keep the personal tab blank since this information should be set for each employee.

Advanced Tab

  1. Set the Makeup Pay general ledger account as an expense account to record any makeup pay that is paid to an employee. Makeup pay is added to an employee’s pay and must meet minimum wage requirements. Review the Processing Payroll - Advanced > Minimum Wage and Makeup pay section for more details.
  2. Set the Payroll Payable general ledger account, which requires an account with a Payroll Payable classification. If no account is available go to Financials > Chart of Accounts and add a liability account with a Payroll Payable classification.
  3. Set the Default Tax Location of the company. Review the Taxes and Deductions > Taxes for Multiple Locations section for more details.
  4. Credit Workweek Amount is the minimum dollar amount an employee needs to work to become eligible for state benefits such as Workers’ Compensation. This value should be set within the employee defaults before new employees are added. If this total changes for all employees, filter down default amounts to all existing employees.
  5. Set the standard Clock In/Out Parameters and Daily Hours for new employees. Keep these settings blank if settings vary for new employees. Review the Time and Attendance > Clock In/Out Parameters section for more details on these settings.

Employee Taxes Tab

It is recommended that you list all common employee taxes and deductions so they are defaulted whenever a new employee is added. If the employee tax and deductions are not setup go to Labor > Taxes / Deductions and enter tax and deduction codes and rates before continuing with the following steps.

If any taxes or deductions are listed that are not used for your average employee, delete them by highlighting the deduction and clicking the Delete button.

Add any new taxes and deductions by clicking New Tax. The following dialog will appear:

Select the Tax you wish to add by clicking on the down arrow. To create a new tax or deduction, go to Labor > Taxes/Deductions > Tax tables. The most common employee taxes are FWT, FICA, MED, a state withholding tax and possibly a local tax. Also, add any company wide employee deduction. For more information on how to set up taxes, see Taxes and Deductions section.

All other fields in this dialog should be kept blank until setting up a new employee.

Company Taxes Tab

Setup the common company taxes such as state and federal unemployment taxes and the company portions of FICA taxes and Medicare taxes.

If any taxes or deductions are listed that are not used for your average employee, delete them by highlighting the deduction and clicking the Delete button.

Add any new taxes and deductions by clicking New Tax. The following dialog will appear:

Click on the lookup button to view the available taxes and select the Tax you wish to add. To create a new tax or deduction, go to Labor > Taxes/Deductions > Tax tables.

All other fields in this dialog should be kept blank until adding a new employee, with the exception of Expense G/L. Enter an expense general ledger account to record company tax expenses for each tax list in the Company Taxes tab.

Messages Tab

This tab can be used to enter any global messages that appear when certain procedures are performed. Review [Main] Features > Custom Messages for instructions to create messages.

App Settings

App settings that are globally set for a group of workers should be set from the defaults settings.  

Review Setup > MyTime Desktop Settings for instructions to set the MyTime app settings.  

Copy Default Values

If subfolders exist and you wish to copy the default values from the root folder into the subfolders, drill down the default value for each entry field in each tab.

Click the OK button to return to the Employee Folders tab.

Repeat the steps above if you wish to set different default settings for subfolders than the ones set for the root vendor folder.

For more details on individual fields, go to the Workers > Entering New Workers section.