MyProposal Overview

MyProposals is a convenient app that allows the user to create quotes and proposals from a smart phone or other Android, iOS, or Windows device.  This app allows the user to remotely create quotes using the customer details, product information, and pricing within EBMS.    

This solution is ideal for a salesperson creating a proposal while on the field with the customer.  The salesperson can create or adjust quotes using a tablet or other portable device and be able review pricing and details while on site with the customer.   MyProposals can be used in conjunction with the MyCustomers or MyInventory apps to enter new customers or create new product codes remotely.  MyTime and MyOrders apps Can also be used to complete the sales process.   

Scenario: An equipment sales and service company uses MyProposals to quote new equipment for the client.  The quote includes equipment options, attachments, delivery, and other services.  MyProposals generates the proposal along with quote details and labor calculations in the field while immediately giving access to the office staff.  A salesperson can review the proposal, collect the customer’s signature, and process the proposal into a sales order all from his portable tablet or smart phone.  The accuracy and efficiency of the integration of his IOS or Android device with the MS Windows ERP system is a crucial element in managing the sales process within the company.  

Scenario: A paving company sends an estimator to the client’s site to measure the potential customer’s paving area.   Site dimensions and other variables are entered into a proposal template created within EBMS.  This preformatted template contains project details, calculates proposal pricing, creates a budget for the job, and compiles a materials list for the project manager.  MyProposal installed on a tablet or smart phone gives both the sales staff and project manager the tools to efficiently prepare for the job from the job site or office.  The integration of quoting, billing, job costing, and financial management using a combination of EBMS in the office and MyEBMS on the field gives this company the edge to sell projects customized to meet the customer’s needs.  

Scenario:  A mechanical contractor creates a proposal to replace a customer’s HVAC equipment using a detailed template created within EBMS.  This quote template includes various equipment options such as size, model, accessories, and installation costs.  The proposal uses EBMS’s multiple layered material lists to calculate the quote total based on the current pricing of the heating unit, ductwork, and various options.  The pricing is updated weekly from multiple supplier’s electronic catalogs.  This comprehensive quoting tool is accessible on the salesperson’s portable device using the MyProposals app.  This proposal along with the customer’s signature is stored within EBMS for project preparation and billing.  

Hardware Requirements


Launching MyProposals

Launch the MyEBMS app on your Android, IOS, or Windows phone or tablet and select MyProposals from the app list.

Use the MyProposals home page to open an existing quote or create a new proposal.

Tap to create a quote.  Review New Quotes for steps to create a new proposal.

Set the Status to reduce the quote list to a specific proposal status.

Select Open to list only open quotes rather than proposals that have been accepted or not accepted.  Review Proposals > Processing Proposals > Status Settings for more information on proposal status settings.  

Set Order by to Quote number or Quote date to determine the best sort order.  
Enable the Descending option to list the most current proposals on the top of the list when the list is ordered by quote date or quote number.

Tap an order to open the following summary page:

  1. Tap Sales quote to edit general proposal information.  Review Existing Quotes for instructions on viewing or editing proposal information.

  2. Tap Shipment to edit the Ship date and Ship via setting.  These settings are copied to the order when a sales order is created from the proposal in EBMS.   Review Proposals > Processing Proposals > Creating a Sales Order for EBMS instructions to create an order from a proposal.  Review Freight and Shipping > Creating Shipping Methods for setup instructions for ship via settings within EBMS.  

MyProposals is designed to be operated on a tablet as well as a phone.  Review New Quotes for instructions to use MyProposals with larger screens.