Manually Adding an Item to Stock

Serialized items can be manually added to stock. This procedure creates similar transactions as manually adding other inventory to stock. The system will create inventory adjustment general ledger transactions that are described later in this section. The preferred method of adding stock is using an expense invoice if the serialized item is being purchased or using the manufacturing screen if the product is being manufactured. Review the Purchasing Serialized Items and Manufacturing a Serialized Item sections for more details.

Complete the following steps to add a new serialized item manually.   This process is not recommended unless you are adjusting inventory counts.

  1. Open an inventory item by going to Inventory > Product Catalog. Click on the Serial Numbers tab as shown below:
  2. Click on the New Item button to manually add a new serialized item as shown above:

  3. Enter a unique Serial number to identify the additional item.  Review the Creating a Serial Number for more information on generating serial numbers.

  4. The Description can be used to identify any unique characteristics of the item.

The Service Only switch should be disabled. If this option is enabled, the item does now show it in stock but is the equivalent of being purchased and sold to a customer. Review the Selling and/or Associating an item with a customer > Viewing or Adding Items to the Customer Tab for more details about this option.

Enable the View serialized item when wizard is finished option to open the serialized item window. Click Next to continue.

The Date and Cost entries are used to create adjustment general ledger transactions similar to the standard Tracking Counts > Adjusting Inventory Count and Value. The following transaction will be created if the inventory item is classified as Serialized Item.




Inventory Asset Account

Inventory Variance

Adjustment Value (The value will be negative if the count has been reduced)

The actual transactions can be viewed by clicking Inventory > Display Unposted Transactions > By G/L Account to open the following summary list:

The following transaction will be created if the inventory item is classified as Non-Inventory Serialized Items.




Inventory Variance

Inventory Variance

Adjustment Value

Since both the debit and credit transaction are posted to the same inventory variance account, the general ledger will not be affected. These transactions will adjust the inventory history value. Review the Product Catalog > Inventory History for more details on inventory history.

The serialized item record will open if the View serialized item when wizard is finished option is enabled on the first page of the wizard. Note that the Vendor setting within the Cost tab of the item will be set to ($)ADJUST when an item is manually added.

Review the Viewing or Changing Serialized Items from the Inventory Item section for more details on the Detail tab of a serialized item.

 Click on Count tab and notice that the count number increased since a new item has been added.