Clock In/Out without Payroll

Some clients may wish to use the Time Track time clocks without creating timecards or processing payroll.  These time and attendance tools are included in the EBMS labor module.    The labor module is used in the following environments:

  1. Complete payroll including the many pay types, financial labor transactions, and various work order tools.  The labor module can manage both US and Canadian federal, state, and local taxes and various complex deductions.  Review Labor Overview for details.

  2. Compile time and attendance details and export to a 3rd party payroll processor:  Review 3rd Party Payroll > Overview for instructions to use EBMS for labor management without processing payroll.

  3. Use the powerful EBMS labor tools such as Tasks, MyTime, or Time Track without processing payroll.  Review Process Timecards without Processing Payroll for instructions.

  4. Review the instructions below when tasks, MyTime, job costing, and other toolBs using the EMS timecard are not needed.  This option is limited to collecting clock in and out times.

Clock in/Out without Payroll

NOTE:  The following steps cannot be used if  labor transactions are entered into Tasks, MyTime, or job costing.

Complete the following steps to track a worker's start and stop time using an EBMS time clock but not posting any time to a timecard.

  1. Setup a worker record for each person using the time clock as described in Microsoft Store App > User Configuration.  The worker name and PIN is very important.

  2. DO NOT enter any work codes within the workers > App Settings tab as described in step #3 of the User Configuration instructions.   The Work code list must be blank within the worker so that no timecard lines are created.  

  3. Configure any time and attendance options as shown at the top of the App Settings or Advanced tabs.  Review Clock In/Out Parameters for setup instructions.

  4. Install and configure Time Track.  Review TIme Track Overview for time clock options and installation instructions.

  5. Review Microsoft Store App > Using the Store App for details to use the Time Track App.

  6. Select the Reports > Labor > Workers > Employee Daily Hours report to access time worked and clock in/out detailed information.  Note that time totals will NOT show on the worker or any other dialog in EBMS.   A report must be used to access the worker's labor data.

  7. Set the Range of dates and the Group By setting to None or Week as shown below:

  8. Disable the Show Daily Hour Detail to print a report summary.

No labor processing is required when using this method.