Instant Manufacturing Batch from Sales Order

A manufacturing batch can be created from a sales order containing metal products.   Unlike the MTO manufacturing feature, the metal manufacturing batch process creates a batch for all track count trim items or all metal panels within the sales order based on the Mfg’d column.  The batch is created when the Trim or Metal options within Invoice header are enabled for eligible items within the order.   The manufacturing batch number is compiled by using the invoice number appended with either a “M” for metal, or a “T” for trim.  This allows to quickly manufacture track count trim items that need to be produced to fulfill the order using the trim or metal's component list.  Note that this feature does not support optional components.

The Linked column contains the manufacturing batch information.  Right click on the sales order detail line and select Linked Document from the context menu.  

Review [Sales] Sales Order > Entering a Sales Order for more order entry details.

Review [Inventory] Manufacturing > Creating a Batch for details on finished goods and consumed items.

Review [Sales] Invoices > Processing a Sales Invoice for instructions to process a sales order into an invoice.

Review [Inventory] Manufacturing > Batch Scheduling and MRP for steps to schedule manufacturing.

Review [Inventory] Manufacturing > Processing a Batch for steps to create finished goods from raw materials.