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Electronic time clock interfaced with EBMS.

The TimeTrack is an electronic timeclock that populates the clock in and clock out times within the EBMS timecard when a user clocks in and out.

Track Time

Conveniently mount the Time Track App where employees can clock in and out when arriving or leaving work. This time clock populates the clock in and clock out times within a worker's timecard, eliminating clerical time entering timecard information. The Time Track App is optimized to run on a touch screen device such as a tablet or touch screen monitor running MS Windows 10.   

Browser Time Track

Record Timecard Detail

Users have the option to allocate daily time by selecting from various work codes. These options are configured in the worker record within EBMS.

Browser Time Track

Application Features

  • Clock in and out using an employee PIN code
  • Populate time card detail lines by allocating time to a specific work code
  • Security: Employees cannot manipulate their hours while entering their own time.
  • Optimized to run on a touch screen Windows 10 device

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