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TaxJar Integration

Automate your sales tax.

TaxJar offers EBMS users complete sales tax management for any US state.   Spend time on your business and not on sales tax rate changes and configurations.  

Accurate Sales Tax Rates

Link EBMS directly to TaxJar's cloud based SmartCalcs solution to calculate accurate sales tax rates every time.  With TaxJar Address Validation, you can rely on “rooftop-level” calculations so the exact address corresponds to the right rate. Calculations are more than 99% accurate, and come with an accuracy guarantee for all SmartCalcs users.

Accurate Sales Tax Rates

Product Taxability

It is important to identify Inventory Tax Groups that are tax exempt or are taxed at a reduced rate.   Inventory tax groups can also be used if a group of products are subject to a product specific tax.  Certain products, including dietary supplements, clothes, and food are taxed at a reduced rate in some states and are sometimes even tax exempt.  From clothing in New York to food in California, TaxJar's SmartCalcs Sales Tax API supports special sales tax circumstances for the products you sell.  

Product Taxability

Filing Made Simple

The TaxJar subscription* takes the sales tax data from EBMS, calculates with SmartCalcs, and creates return-ready TaxJar® Reports. The TaxJar reports provide automated sales tax reports that break down your sales data by jurisdiction, simplifying the process. This sales tax report is then uploaded to TaxJar from EBMS, by the EBMS user, in each sales tax period.  

Make it even easier with the auto file solution. TaxJar AutoFile is an optional service that automatically submits returns to the registered states registered to ensure a due date is never missed.  This 3rd party sales tax service uses the data from EBMS to make sales tax collection and filing even easier.

*A TaxJar subscription is separate from your EBMS subscription and should be arranged directly with Taxjar.

Filing Made Simple


  • Sales tax calculation service within the 50 United States
  • EBMS Point-of-Sale linked directly to TaxJar's cloud based SmartCalcs solution
  • Integrated address validation based on ship from and shipped to
  • Total tax and total taxable amount calculations
  • Shipping amount taxability determined
  • Inventory tax groups determine product taxability
  • Customer exemption status
  • Generated TaxJar reports for filing
  • Auto file options

Looking for more details?

View knowledge base articles.

Used with

  • Advanced Sales Tax - Required for regions that have multiple sales tax rates based on a product group.