Template Options Overview

The ecommerce module give the user a variety of flexible template options. This includes flexible ways to list categories of items, optional components, product attributes, and more.

  1. Review the Group Templates and Group Template Settings sections for details on displaying categories and folders of product.

  2. Review the Components section for details on displaying sets with its individual components. This is used to display an assembly an assembly kit that includes components but is priced as a unit rather than by the individual components.

  3. Review the Optional Components section for details on displaying custom items with optional component lists. This is used to configure custom sets and made to order items by allowing the customer to select options when purchasing a product.

  4. Review the Serialized Items section for details on displaying individual serialized items. This is used to track and sell individual serialized products within a single inventory item.

  5. Review the Product Attributes section for details on displaying categories and items containing one or more attributes. This is used for an inventory group (folder) that contains multiple items that are very similar but differ based on size, color, or style.

The template options are disabled if the EBMS e-commerce tools are interfaced with a 3rd party shopping cart.  Review Advanced Options > Integrate with Other E-commerce Solutions for more information.