AutoSend Package Tracking Message

The Auto Send tool is able to send an email message to the shipping recipient that includes the order number, package tracking number, and a hyperlink to the shippers website that gives the customer shipping details.  This information can be configured to be automatically sent to the customer when the shipment is processed without added time or effort by the shipper.   

Complete the following steps to setup a Auto Send a shipping email that contains package tracking details.

  1.  Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes tab from the main EBMS menu to open the following list:

  2. Click the New button to create a new Auto Send Mode and open the following dialog:

  3. Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key Id. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not include spaces or symbols.  

  4. Select the Accounts Receivable Send Mode option since shipping information is associated with the sales order.  

  5. Enter a short Description of the auto send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process. Note that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.

  6. Click the Send Mode Properties tab.

  7. Enable the Show on Menu option to display the Accounts Receivable Auto Send mode on the EBMS > Sales menu.  Disable this option if Auto Send is launched using the Task Scheduler App.

  8. Click on the Edit Query button to select the group of sales orders or invoices to be sent as shown below:

    The query example shown above will send all sales invoices with a Status of 'O' (outstanding invoices) that have not been previously sent. Review [Main] Technical > Set Query Options for more details on creating query expressions.  The Query setting can be kept blank if all sales orders are sent to the customer. Click the OK button to save.

  9. Enable the Send Future-dated documents option to send all documents when they are created even if they are dated in the future.    Otherwise Auto Send will wait to send till the document date arrives.

  10. Disable the Document will be printed if customer has no Auto E-mail/Fax entry option to ignore the tracking message if no email is available.     

  11. Select Always to mark a document as sent after the Send Now Tool is used to auto send a document.

  12. Enter a sales order form into Report Settings if a copy of the order should be attached to the email.  Click Advanced to configure the exported PDF Attachment Name.

  13. Review Auto Send Additional Documents to include other reports to this E-mail.  

  14. Disable the Attach a copy of the document when auto sending E-mails option unless a copy of the order is attached.  

  15. Click on the Contract Priorities tab as shown below:

  16. Set the (Shipping tab E-Mail) to send the message to the email shown on the shipping tab of the sales order.  Review Freight and Shipping Tools > Shipping and Tracking Freight for details on the content of the Shipping tab.

  17. Click on Advanced tab for additional settings:

    1. Configure the Mark as unsent options to change the status after a document has already been sent.  

    2. Disable the For multiple sends to one contact, send one E-mail with multiple attachments option to send a separate E-mail for each document or shippment.

    3. Disable the Use Summary (after multiple sends, a summary E-mail is sent) option to ignore a summary email.  

    4. Set the PDF Attachment Name created by the reports configured in the Send Mode Properties.   User defined file names can be set for each of the corresponding reports set in the main property tab described previously in this section.  

  18. Click on the E-mail Settings tab as shown below:

    The E-mail Settings determine the details of the e-mail document that will be automatically sent.

    1. The From Address should contain a valid e-mail address. This address can be a noreply address if no response is desired from the Auto Send e-mails.

    2. Enter an appropriate Subject line for the e-mail broadcast.

    3. Enter the appropriate Body Text using HTML or plain text syntax. The <TRACKING> placeholder is used to list all tracking numbers associated with the order as well as a hyperlink for the shipper if the email is formatted to allow a hyperlink.  The keywords list located at the bottom of the dialog can be used within the e-mail body.  Note that line break tags (<br>) may cause extra lines in the E-mail.

Review CRM > Auto Send > Auto Send Sales Orders or Invoices for more details on the Accounts Receivable mode settings.