Setup MyTime

The MyTime app can be installed on a tablet, laptop, desktop, or smartphone. The MyTime 1.5 app requires the Windows 10 operating system to operate.

Complete the following steps to load MyTime on a tablet, laptop, or PC with the Windows 10 operating system.   Not currently available on IOS and Android.

  1. Download MyTime from the MS Store:

  2. Connect MyTime to the EBMS software: Review the Connections and User Settings section for WLAN instructions.

  3. Launch the MyTime app within the Windows tablet, phone, or computer and log in as shown below.
  4. Enter the user's PIN as entered in the Workers > App Settings tab as shown below and click on the log in button: :

The MyTime home page will display the information configured within the Worker > App Settings tab.

Review Connections and User Settings for steps to configure the connection of MyTime to the EBMS server.  

The user configuration must be completed before the MyTime app can be used. Review the EBMS Configuration and Setup section for MyTime user configuration within EBMS before continuing.