Connections and User Settings

The following connection settings must be configured to connect MyTime to the proper EBMS data set. This settings dialog also contains some user settings.

The MyTime solution requires an EBMS Relay Key to securely connect a remote instance of MyTime to the EBMS database. Review [Main] EBMS Server Manager > Advanced Communication Settings for Relay Key entry instructions.    Note that this option is not required if MyTime is installed on the same local area network LAN as the main EBMS software.

Complete the following steps to configure the proper connection settings:

  1. Launch the MyTime app from the MS Window menu within the PC, tablet, or smart phone. The following dialog will open when the MyTime app is launched.

  2. Enter the EBMS Serial Number that is found by selecting Help > About from the main EBMS menu as shown below: The EBMS Serial Number is NOT required when MyTime is connected to EBMS through a local area network (LAN).

  3. Enter the Company ID as entered in the EBMS Server Manager. Review Main] Server Manager > Enabling Access to Company Data for more details about creating a Company ID per data set.

  4. Enter your standard EBMS Username and Password. This is the same login information as EBMS. Contact your EBMS system administrator for login information.

  5. Enable the Use your local network (LAN) connection when available option when you connect MyTime via a local network (LAN) rather than a wireless data connection.

  6. Enter the Local Server Name and the Port setting to connect to the local network if it is available.

  7. Enable the Clock into daily hours option unless the MyTime user clocks in and out using a separate time clock. The recommended setting is ON. Review the Clock In/Out Times > Daily Hours section for more details on daily hour settings in EBMS.

  8. Enable the Automatically Refresh and set the Sync Interval (min) time. This option can be disabled if the tasks or work orders within MyTime do not need to be updated during the business day. The only benefit of disabling this option is to reduce data communications on a cellular network.

  9. Log into MyTime by clicking on the Connect to Server button. Consult your network administrator or your EBMS consultant if this connection is not successful.