Barcode technology can greatly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data entry. Receiving, shipping, and point-of-sale processes can be greatly improved by using existing barcodes on products or by printing new barcodes for different units of measure.
The EBMS barcode Controls, Reports, and Fonts kit gives the user the ability to print barcodes onto product labels, packing lists, work orders, financial documents, and other forms. Product labels can be generated containing a barcode, pricing, and other product information. A variety of existing barcodes can be associated with inventory products or printed directly from a label or laser printer. A barcode can be associated with each unit-of-measure setting for an inventory item. Review Entering Barcodes for a list of multiple ways to associate new or existing product items with UPC codes and other barcodes. Review [Financials] Vendor Payments > Printing Checks and other forms on Plain Security Paper for setup instructions to print bank information using the MICR barcode.
EBMS distributes barcode fonts that can be used for the included documents and forms within EBMS. Additional font licenses are required to be purchased by the user add barcodes to custom documents for forms.
EBMS is designed to work with the following types of barcode scanners:
Handheld or fixed mount laser or imager scanners: These laser and imager scanners, which are connected to a Windows
EBMS device, activate the EBMS scanning process by simulating F8. Review Programming Scanners for instructions to program a scanner to activate the EBMS scanner mode.
Mobile scanners: These Android based scanners communicate directly with the EBMS data server using WIFI or cellular
technology. These scanners use the MyEBMS tools to process and communicate with EBMS data. Review MyInventory and Scanner > Overview for mobile scanner setup and user instructions.
EBMS uses barcodes for the following purposes:
Barcodes scanners can be used to open a dialog using a barcode or can be used to populate data within these dialogs. The following dialogs contain barcode scanning tools to allow the user to scan without placing the focus on the correct entry location:
Sales order and sales invoice: Review [Sales] Sales Order > Entering a Sales Order for more on this dialog.
Sales proposal: Review [Sales] Proposals > Creating and Printing Proposals for more on this dialog.
Expense Invoice: Review [Financials] Invoices > Entering a New Vendor Invoice for details on this dialog.
Manufacturing: Review Manufacturing > Creating a Batch for details on the manufacturing batch dialog. This dialog will record data within the batch dialog but EBMS does not offer a prefix code to open the dialog.
Warehouse Transfer: Review Multiple Inventory Location > Transferring Inventory between Warehouses for more information on the warehouse transfer dialog.
Jobs: Review [Financials] Jobs > Overview for more job management details.
Job Costing Transfer: Review [Financials] Jobs > Job Costs > Inventory Transfers for information on transfer materials to a job.
MyTime app: Review [Labor] MyTime > User Login for details on logging in by scanning a worker pin.
Serialized Items: Review Serialized Items > Overview for more details.
Rental Contracts: Review [Sales] Rental > Rental Contracts for more details in adding rentals to a contract. This dialog will add rental codes and products into the contract but EBMS does not include a prefix to open a rental contract.
Review Printing Barcodes to print barcodes on forms generated from these dialogs.
These dialogs allow the user to populate repetitious information such as quantity, product, pricing, and other data quickly in a point of sale environment. Identifying codes such as serial numbers, lots, jobs, locations, etc can be accurately entered into a dialog. Although barcodes can be used to populate any entry field in EBMS, these dialogs do not depend on the focus of the keyboard cursor.
A scan cannot open a document and populate the document on the same barcode. The order of the prefixes and codes is not important.
A barcode scanner can be simulated to test software functions. Review Scanning Barcodes for more details on simulating or using a barcode scanners within EBMS.
The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a common way of uniquely identifying product. EBMS also includes tools to identify items by serial number, lot number, VIN number, or other barcode. Scanning barcodes to identify these details can greatly enhance sales, service, job, or manufacturing processes.
A sales order, invoice, or proposal can be saved by scanning the following barcode.
Complete the following steps to use barcodes to save documents:
Many financial institutions require barcodes on financial documents such as checks and deposit slips.
EBMS includes the MICRO barcode to facilitate these plain paper forms.
Various TrueType barcode fonts can be used within EBMS including but not limited to the following:
UPC barcodes are the most common barcodes scanned within EBMS. These barcodes do not require any special programming.
Review Printing Barcodes for instructions to print product labels using various methods.
Review Programming Scanners and Barcodes for details on programing various barcodes including UPC-A and compressed barcodes.
Review Purchasing a Barcode Scanner for barcode scanner types that work well with EBMS software.
The Barcode Font kit must be included with the EBMS license to print and scan the following barcodes. Review [Main] Server Manager > Optional Modules for instructions to add this feature.