Search Engine Optimization

All Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be done within the website administrator. The SEO for the e-commerce folders and items can be set up in the website administrator as well. Note that the SEO for e-commerce folders and items are originally defaulted but can be changed as needed.

To set up SEO for a content page, open the website administrator, select Manage Content select a page.

The File Name, Title, and Meta Tags are created or edited in this section of the website administrator.


To create Meta Tags for the web page:

  1. Select the Type of meta tag from the dropdown list.

  2. Enter the Value or tags for the page.

  3. Click the Create button to save the meta tags to the website page.

Creating SEO for E-commerce folders and items

Complete the following steps to create an SEO for E-commerce folders and items:

  1. Select Store > Store SEO on the left menu.  

  2. Select a folder or item and click on the Create SEO button to add SEO fields as shown below:



The SEO is defaulted as an e-commerce item or folder when an item is added to the website.