The point-of-sale (POS) configuration is done within the main EBMS program. A profile must be created for each POS station before a station can be used. POS stations do not share profiles. Complete the following steps:
Select Point of Sale tab to view the POS Profile list:
Click on the New button to create a new POS profile or the Properties button to change an existing profile
Enter a unique Point of Sale Station Id that identifies the specific station.
Enter the Computer Name or IP address of the POS station. The Computer Name can be found by right clicking on the Computer menu option on the Windows start menu and selecting Properties. This setting must match the computer name for the POS station to operate properly.
Enter a Description of the POS station.
Enter an optional Default Customer Id code that is loaded when the POS station is launched. Miscellaneous customers are often used in a POS environment. Review the Customers > Miscellaneous Customer section for more details on Miscellaneous customers. This default customer code can be kept blank to prompt the user to enter a customer code each time the POS station is started. Review the Using the POS station section for more details on setting the customer id within the POS station window.
Enter an Invoice Prefix. The invoice number will be appended to the required Invoice Prefix to create a unique transaction number. This prefix must be unique for each POS profile.
The Next Invoice Number is incremented each time a new sales transaction is created. This number should be set to the first transaction (invoice) number when the POS profile is initially setup.
Disable the Allow credit payment on this POS option to restrict the user to only positive total transaction. When this option is disabled the user can not complete a sales transaction with a total that is less than zero. This option allows management to force the cashier to log into EBMS with proper security rights to process any credits or returns.
The Warehouse option will not appear unless the optional Multiple Warehouse Module is installed. The inventory that is sold on this POS station will be deducted from the specified warehouse. Review the Warehousing > Warehouse Overview section of the inventory documentation for more details.
Click OK to continue
Review the Programmable Buttons section for details on the Programmable Buttons tab.