Smart Search

Smart Search is a powerful tool to help customers quickly find products and information on your website. Smart Search is a full text search designed to search a website's pages, static content, blogs, and EBMS inventory information and rank it based on relevance.

This search option is normally located on the e-commerce website navigation bar and at

To search for an exact phrase, use quotes. For example: "exact phrase" individual keywords.

To search for a page that does not include a word or phrase, use a dash. For example: include these keywords -but -not -these.


Advanced Search

Additional advanced search options can be used by selecting one of the following two dropdowns:

  1. Filter by Category:

  2. Filter by Manufacturer:



The maximum number of results listed is set in the website options. Select the website from the Sales > Web menu > Inventory Settings tab to view or change the following options:

Set the desired Show ___ search results per page value. Note that a large number of search results on a single page can increase the time required to load the page. The web user also has the ability to change the number of results per page.



All images, text, blog posts, and products are automatically indexed. If a static page or blog post is changed it will be automatically re-indexed. Inventory is re-indexed by a scheduled task every three hours.

A re-index can be forced using the admin:

1.     Login to the Web Admin. See Site Administration for more details.

2.     Select Manage Site > Site Index from the right bar.

3.     Click the Reindex button to index Static Content, Blog, or Inventory Information.


While you are logged into the admin, additional information will show in the tooltip of each search item.

Go to the search results and hover over any result to view information on individual search results. This can assist in understanding the complexities of how certain results are being ranked on the site.


Default Search Fields

By default, the smart search indexes the following information in the website:


Uses Field Weight Search Type
Item ID Id 10 Exact
Blog Author Author 7 Exact
Item Title, Page Title, Blog Title, Image Title, etc. Title 4 Fuzzy
Item Short Description Description 2 Fuzzy
Item Folder Titles, Meta Keywords, Blog Tags, etc. Keywords 4 Fuzzy
Item Long Description, Page Content, Blog Content, etc. Content 2 Fuzzy
Item MFG Name Manufacturer name 4 Fuzzy
Item MFG Part Number Manufacturer part number 4 Fuzzy


Other fields can be added per site via config variables. Contact your website administrator to add additional fields.


Search Styles

Search style is determined by a config setting on each website. Contact your website administrator to change the config setting.