Product Review

The product review optional module allows the customer to submit or read reviews about a product on the website. These reviews are approved by the administrator and then posted to the product page of the website.


Select the Sales menu > Options > Web Reviews tab. Set the Allow Customers to Create Item Reviews setting to one of the following options:

Submit a Review

Open an item page on the website. Select the Product Reviews tab, fill out the short form, and submit. 

A product review notification will be sent to the administrator(s) email listed within the EBMS menu Sales > Web > Website Name > Customer Groups > Properties > Webmaster E-mail.

The product review will be listed on the item page of the website.

Manage & Approve Product Reviews

Product reviews are managed within the item. Open an item and select the Web Reviews tab as shown below:

Product reviews can be turned off per item by deselecting the Allow web users to create reviews option.

Double click on a review to open, approve, or remove any web review. De-selecting the Approve option on the review will remove it from the website. Reviews cannot be deleted or added from within the EBMS software.