Processing a Sales Invoice with Commissions

The salesperson setting is found on the header of the sales invoice as shown below. Open a sales order or create a new invoice by selecting Sales > Open a Sales Order from the main EBMS menu.

The Salesperson entry within an invoice can be set using the following three different methods:

Complete the following steps to configure each option.

Copy EBMS Login User to Salesperson

  1. Enable the Default Sales Person to user name option by selecting Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s tab from the main EBMS menu:

  2. Create a salesperson account to match the name within the user's login account. Review Adding New Salespersons for instructions to create a salesperson to match the user’s EBMS login name. Review [Sales} Security > Creating Users and Assigning Rights for instructions to create user accounts.

Copy the Customer > Terms tab > Salesperson to Salesperson

  1. Disable the Default sales person to user name option found in Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s tab.

  2. Select a default Sales Person within the Terms tab of a customer. Go to Sales > Customers and click on the Terms tab to view or change the Salesperson entry as shown below:

  3. The Salesperson is copied to the sales invoice or proposal from the billing customer record. If the Salesperson entry is blank, the sales person setting is copied from the shipping customer record.

Manually set the Salesperson setting

  1. Select the Sales Person from the look up list.   The Sales Person setting can be manually changed if the setting was copied as described in the previous sections.

Processing Commissions

The commission is calculated for the salesperson at the time the invoice is processed. The following commission transactions are created if the sales general ledger account is within the range of any commission records.

General Ledger Account of Finished Good items   ____Debit / Credit

The commission expense account for each detail line with commissions Debit

This expense account is entered within the commission rate record.  

The commission liability account entered in the salesperson record. Credit

This liability account is entered within the Commissions tab of the salesperson record.

Review the Commission Rates section for more details on entering the liability and expense general ledger accounts.

The liability account should always be used when paying commissions that were calculated when the sales invoice was processed.