Entering Item Attributes

The item attribute values are set within the product attribute folder of each inventory item. Attribute settings must be completed within the Inventory Item folder before continuing with this section. Review the Attribute Setup section for more details.

  1. Create a new inventory item or open an existing item.

  2. Click on the Product Attributes tab as shown below:

  3. Click on the first Attribute - weight and click on the Add button to open the following dialog:

  4. Enter the attribute value.  A collection of all the entered values and value sets can be viewed at Inventory > Options > Product Attributes. Review the Custom Attributes > Value Sets section for more details.  

  5. Verify that the This is also a value option is enabled. Click OK to save.  

  6. Click on the second attribute - type and complete the above steps to add values to the remaining attributes.

  7. Click Check Configuration to verify the attribute configuration that was entered for this product.  This verification process identifies why this product might not appear as expected in product configurator results. For example, an attribute (e.g. Color) for which no value has been set.

 Values can be set for a group of items by using the Edit Defaults feature. Right click on the inventory folder and select Edit Defaults. Click on the Product Attributes tab as shown below:

  1. Enter the attribute value as explained above.

  2. Right click on the value and select Filter Down as shown above.  

Attributes can contain multiple values. Review the Custom Attributes > Value Sets section for more details.  

Review the Selling and Purchasing Items with Attributes > Using Attributes within a Sales Order or Quote section to query attributes within a sales order.