Promotional Pricing

EBMS includes the feature to download product promotions listed on Keystone flyers. The product specials are downloaded within the Special Pricing system of EBMS.  In order to use this functionality you will need to have purchased the Special Pricing EBMS module. Review Pricing > Special Pricing section of the inventory documentation for more details.

This utility is used to adjust pricing based on Keystone flyers.  

 Complete the following steps to download the latest promotions:

  1. Launch the download utility by selecting Inventory > Utilities > Get Keystone Flyers.

  2. Select Download Updates at the bottom of the screen.

  3. All promotions are downloaded as shown below:

Activating a Flyer for Retail Sales

The EBMS utility to Manage Keystone Flyer also gives the user the ability to create special prices for the POS Retail. If a Flyer is not activated no Special Pricing records will be created to affect retail sales. There are two different way to activate a flyer as shown below:


A Flyer has three different Special Pricing statuses. Click on the check box to rotate through them.

Making Price Changes for Flyer Items

This process changes the pricing for all items included within specific flyers. The pricing can be copied from the Flyer or calculated using a formula as shown below:

Always click Process after downloading new Flyers or making changes to existing Flyers. Since the promotions are entered with a range of dates, they do not need to be deletesd after the promotions expire.