Servicing Rental Equipment

Some Rental equipment may be serviced by the service technicians before another rental.  This step may also be required if a scheduled evaluation is required for the rental item.  The following tools can be used for various service processes.

Fixed time period between rentals

A rental code contains an option to set the average service time after a rental.  This option will add this time to the rental return date and time before the equipment is available for re-rental.  This setting may vary based on the equipment.  Complete the following steps to set this fixed Service Time.

  1. Open the rental service code from the Inventory > Product Catalog selected from the main EBMS menu.

  2. Click on the Rental tab.

Using the EBMS Work Order System to schedule service

Review [Labor] Tasks > Overview for information on scheduling, recording parts and labor, and associating the work order to the serialized rental item.   

Note that the status of a rental item does not change based on the status of the work order.   A user must adjust the rental status when the work order is completed.