Manage and Increment Counts using a Barcode Scanner

Scanning a product barcode can be used to increase the quantities of the following documents:  

  1. Sales order or invoices

  2. Purchase orders or invoices

  3. Warehouse transfers

  4. Job transfers

Scanner options may determine which quantity values are changed and if they are restricted.   See the following sections for details.

Sales Order Quantities

  1. Select Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s from the main EBMS Menu to set the following options:
  2. Set one of the combine lines when duplicate items are scanned options:
    1. Never:  This option will create a new line each time a product is scanned.

    2. Always:  This option will combine the lines and increment the quantity set in the previous setting.

    3. Ask To:  Prompt the user to determine if a line is added or not.

  3. Select one of the following desired combine lines options:

    1. Set Shipped quantity

    2. Set ordered quantity when creating new orders without fulfillment.

    3. Set ordered and shipped quantity in a POS environment when taking orders and fulfilling orders at the same time.

  4. Review the following Restrict Received Quantities section for options to restrict the scanning options.

Purchase Order Quantities

Select Expenses > Options > Invoices and P.Os from the main EBMS menu.

Set the following settings to use a scanner to increment PO quantities:

  1. Set the combine lines when duplicate items are entered in a PO option to Always.  

  2. Review the following instructions to restrict the received quantities within a purchase order.

Restrict the Received or Shipped Quantities

This Received quantity within a purchase order or invoice may be restricted to the Ordered quantity by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the following scanning options by selecting Expense > Options > Invoices and P.O.s from the main EBMS menu:

  2. Select the Always allow Received quantity to exceed Ordered option as shown above to not restrict quantities.  Select Never to restrict scanning or select Ask to to prompt the user.  

The Shipped quantity within a sales order may be restricted by the Ordered quantity by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the following scanning options by selecting Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s from the main EBMS menu:

  2. Select Never to restrict scanning or select Ask to to prompt the user.  

This option does not apply if the Ordered quantity is zero unless the Applies when Ordered quantity is zero option is enabled.   This option should be disabled if the user scans barcodes to create purchase order detail lines.  

Warehouse Quantities

Select Inventory > Options > Warehouse tab from the main EBMS menu to set the following warehouse transfer scanning options:

  1. Set the when scanning to one of the following:  

    1. Select Set ordered quantity when creating new planned transfer tickets without shipping.

    2. Select Set ordered and shipped quantity in an environment where the transfer ticket is being creating at the same time products are being shipped.

    3. Select Set shipped quantity when populating only the shipped quantity within an existing transfer ticket.

    4. Select Set shipped and received quantity if an existing ticket

    5. Select Set received quantity to receive the product at the target location within an existing ticket that has already been ordered and shipped.

    6. Select Set all quantities to populate all quantities at the same time.

  2. Disable the Always create a new line with each scan option so that scans increment quantities instead of adding new lines

Job Transfers

Select Job Costing  > Options > Transfer tab from the main EBMS menu to set the following job transfer scanning options:

Disable the Always create a new line with each scan to increment quantities within a job transfer.