The Auto Send module is a convenient tool to e-mail or fax accounts receivable statements for customers. The user can choose between sending statements to all customers who have a balance due or only send statements to customers with overdue invoices. Continue with the following steps for details on configuring or sending a batch of statements to customers.
Complete the following steps to setup a Auto Send Mode.
Select File
> Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes from the main EBMS
menu to open the following list:
Click the New
button to create a new Auto Send
Mode and open the following dialog or select an Statements
Auto Send Mode and click the
Properties button. Continue
with step 6 if the mode has already been created:
Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key Id. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not include spaces or symbols.
Select the Statements Send Mode option as shown above.
Enter a short Description of the auto send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process. Note that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.
Select File
> Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes > Auto Send Statements
> Properties from the main EBMS menu as show below:
Select the Show on Menu option to make this option appear on the main EBMS Sales menu. This option should be disabled if the event is scheduled using the Task Scheduler App with the URL text described below.
Enable the Document will be printed if customer has no Auto E-mail/Fax entry option to print documents for customers without the settings required to email a statement. Review the following Customer Configuration setting within Auto Send Sales Orders or Invoices for instructions on setting these options.
Maintain the default values within the Fields to Assign settings since they are advanced settings.
Select one of the following options to determine which customers receive statements:
Select the Create Statements for all customer who have outstanding invoices option to send statements to all customers with outstanding invoices. A statement will not be send if the balance due is equal or below zero.
Select the Create Statements for customers who have finance charge option to send statements only to customers with finance charges. This method uses the system’s finance charges to determine overdue charges. If the finance charge amount on an invoice is greater than $0.00, it generates and sends a statement to this customer.
Select the Create Statements for customers who have invoices past the due invoices option to send statements to customers with past due invoices. This method uses the system’s finance charges to determine overdue charges. If the overdue amount on an invoice is greater than $0.00, it generates and sends a statement to this customer.
Enter the appropriate Crystal report form into the Report Settings. This setting should reflect a standard Customer Statement report or an approved custom statement report. Many other reports may not execute properly within Auto Send. Contact your Eagle Business Software representative for more assistance.
Minimum Report File Size: This feature is used to stop any sends on export files that are below a certain file size.
The URL code can be copied to the Task Scheduler App to automate the sending process. Review [Main] Technical > Automate using Task Scheduler App for instructions to send statements on a weekly or monthly basis.
Click OK to save settings.
Accounts Receivable statements can be sent to customers a frequently as desired. Complete the follow steps to send statements:
Review the Auto Send
tab of a customer to add a Message
or to exclude specific customers from the Auto Send batch.
Select Sales > Update Finance Charges from the main EBMS menu to update the finance charges for overdue invoices. Review the Sales > Customer Finance Charges section for more details on this step.
Launch the Auto Send process by selecting Sales > Auto Send Statements from the main EBMS menu.
Set the Auto Send Statement Date
as shown below. This date will be used as the statement date.
Customers with balances due before or on this date will be handled.
Statements will be created based on the option set in File
> Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes > AutoStatements >
Properties dialog. The statement will be either E-mailed, faxed,
or printed depending on the settings within the customer record.
Click on the OK button to continue process and click Cancel. Review the Test Mode section for details on testing the process.
The process will create a CSV log file if the logging option within
the Auto Send Options > Diagnostic
Settings is enabled as shown below:
The log file is found in the export folder set in General tab of File > Auto Send Options > General Options. The log file will be labeled Auto Statement Log and appended with the date of the statement process.