Lots Overview

The ability to track lots is used in industries that require a lot number to trace the source of raw materials or product that is being sold.   Many food industries have traceability requirements.   Many manufacturing companies are required to track the lot information for raw materials used for manufacturing.  Dated product requires lots to track the sell by dates or expiration dates on product sold.   

The Lots Module enhances the already robust inventory tracking tools within EBMS.  This option gives the user the ability to track multiple lot numbers within a single inventory item.   Additional information such as an expiration date can be associated with each lot.   Lot numbers and other lot information are entered within the purchase order lines or manufactured finished goods records.  This lot information can be used to maintain traceability records, facilitate quality evaluations, or any other reason to track each lot from the time it was purchased until it is sold or consumed in a manufacturing environment.

Inventory items must be classified using one of the following inventory Classifications:

All inventory items purchased with either Lots classification, require a Lot Number when the items are purchased or manufactured. The Lot Number and the Lot Date can be manually assigned or Auto-assigned by the software.  Review the Creating Lots section for more details on creating the inventory ID or creating lots records including dates.

The power of the Lots module is a lot number is assigned each time an inventory item is sold, consumed within the manufacturing module, transferred to a job, or moved to anther warehouse.  Review the Assigning Lots to a Sale or items Consumed section for details.

The transactions associated with individual lots can be evaluated or adjusted within the inventory item or the Inventory Lots properties dialog.   Review Tracing Lots and Reporting Lots Information section for details.

Review the Product Catalog > Changing and Item Classification for instructions to changing the Classification to a lots classification.