Contact Management

Contact specific information identifying individuals associated with a specific customer, vendor, or employee account can be entered. A customer record will be used here as an example. Complete the following steps to access the contact information for a customer:

  1. Click on the General tab of the customer or other account.

  2. Click on the Contacts tab to show the contacts list as shown below: Set the Contacts tab as the default tab to show contacts on the general tab rather than the note. Review the Standard Features > Account Tabs section of the Main documentation for more details on defaulting a tab.   Basic contact information can be entered directly into the Contacts tab. The order of this list can be changed by using the Move Up / Move Down buttons. Additional information can be added by selecting a contact and choosing the More Details... button. Right-clicking on a contact and choosing Create Email will launch a new email in the default mail program of the computer.

Job Titles can be modified and added by going to Sales > Options > Contacts as shown below:

Add or edit a Job Title from this list.  Merge an existing Job Title with another by editing the title so that it matches the desired title.  Click OK to save label list.