The CRM module is an optional module that contains a collection of features to better enable the use of EBMS for managing customer relations. The standard EBMS software contains a customer record that gives the user a lot of information about the customer. The customer record contains contact details, price level, invoices, quotes, serialized items, tasks, jobs, and lots of other information. Annual history tabs for this customer gives the user quick access to invoice and payment history.
The EBMS CRM tools enhances the EBMS task module. These additional features provide an integrated foundation for sales teams and account managers to track and schedule contacts with leads and customers. It also includes the ability to batch send documents like invoices, purchase orders, and proposals to customers, vendors, and employees. Review the Using Tasks for CRM section for more details on using the task module.
Review AutoSend > Overview for more details on emailing and faxing documents.
Review Contact Management to learn how to identify individuals associated with a particular customer, vendor, and employee.
Review Send Now and Print Now Tools to create shortcuts within various documents to email or print a document.
Review Send Email from a Task to send emails to colleagues with task details.
Review Search Email from a Task to search for emails that have the task number in the subject.
Review Online Routing and Directions to discover how to get directions to a customer, or create a routing to multiple customers based on the tasks of the day.
Review Map to configure customer and company GPS settings for GPS mapping tools.
Review Creating Calendar Appointments to learn how to create appointments in your default calendar program.
Review Opening EBMS Hyperlinks from Task Notes to learn how to reference EBMS documents from a task note.