Goggle Analytics Setup

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that   Complete the following steps to setup Google Analytics to track and report website traffic on the ecommerce website.

Part One: Setup Project, Account and API Credentials

  1. Go to Google Developers Console: https://console.cloud.google.com/
  2. Click New Project to open the Google Analytics API.
  3. Enter the product name and click Create.
  4. Select APIs & Services and Enable Google Analytics API by clicking the Enable button.
  5. Click on Credentials the side bar and select Create Credentials 

  6. Select Service account to open the following dialog:

  7. Enter a Service account name and click Create and continue.
  8. Click Done and click on created Service Account:

  9. Click Keys tab, click Add Key, and click Create new key.

  10. Select P12 and click create to download the key.

  11. Do NOT CHANGE the password. Use the default “notasecret”.  Downloaded key should be uploaded to the website's CMS settings.

  12. Identify the auto generated email on the Details tab.

  13. Copy the newly generated email address and continue with Part Two.

Part Two: Setup in Google Analytics

  1. Navigate to the Admin section of the Google Analytics dashboard

  2. Click Property Access Management 

  3. Add a new user by clicking '+'

  4. Click Add user

  5. Enter generated email copied at the end of Part One into the Add roles and data restrictions window. 

  6. Save settings