View and Edit Purchase Orders

Purchase orders can be viewed several different ways:

  1. Go to Expenses > Vendors list. Select the vendor of the purchase order you wish to view. Select Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s. tab off the vendor ID field, and a dialog listing of all the purchased orders will be displayed.

  2. Open the invoice window by selecting Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s to open the following dialog:

To display purchase orders for a specific vendor, set Vendor option button and set Status field to Purchase orders. To view all purchase orders, set Vendor option button to All instead of Vendor. Use the Query feature to find a specific PO based on other purchase order criteria.

To locate a purchase order by an inventory item that is listed on the P.O., go to Inventory > Product Catalog and choose an item. Click on the Count tab. Right-click on P.O. Ordered field with a mouse and drill down to a list of purchase orders. Double-click the desired purchase order or highlight with the keyboard and click the Invoice button.

To print or preview a complete listing of purchase orders, go to File > Reports > Expenses > Invoices/Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders by Vendor.