Miscellaneous Customer Overview

A Miscellaneous Customer is defined in this chapter as a common customer Id used to identify a group of customers.

Whenever a sales invoice is processed or whenever a payment is received, EBMS requires that a customer Id be used to identify the invoice recipient or the source of the payment. The need may arise to process a sales invoice to a customer that you never expect to do business with again and about whom you do not wish to maintain detailed information.

It is recommended that you do NOT use a miscellaneous customer for the following situations:

·      If the sales invoice is not being paid in cash but is charged and will be paid later.

·      If customer address, telephone numbers or other contact information needs to be recorded for mailing purposes.

·      If this customer is expected to purchase products again.

·      If a sales order has been printed and given to the customer.

·      If the customer is sales tax exempt.

·      If the product sold includes a warranty or additional services will be rendered relating to the product sold.

·      If a down payment or deposit was received from the customer for product listed on the sales order.

·      If detailed customer history is required.

·      To maintain customer activity detail such as charges and payments.