Paying Using Gift Cards

Gift cards are redeemed using similar steps as processing credit or debit cards.  If the user is using Verifone Point, they should follow the same steps that they would to run a credit card transaction.  Review Processing Payment Cards for information about credit card transactions.

Gift cards can be used to purchase product within the point of sale window, make payments to an account, or make a down payment.  Complete the following steps to process a payment with a gift card:

  1. A gift card must be created or loaded before it can be redeemed. Review Selling or Loading Cards for more details.

  2. Select the Gift Card method of payment. The following dialog will appear within the sales order dialog.

  3. Enter the Gift Card Number and process the payment. The gift card will be charged when the payment is processed.

  4. The following dialog will appear if the gift card balance does not cover the invoice balance and requires split tender:

  5. Select the desired method of payment to cover the remaining balance of the invoice.

  6. Complete the standard payment dialog steps to complete the invoice payment. Review Payment Entry Dialog for more details.