Voiding a Payroll Check

If a payroll check was issued in error or was incorrect and needs to be voided take the following steps:

  1. Go to Financials > Account Reconciliation and the selection window for reconcilable accounts will appear:

  2. Select the Checking Account used for payroll.

  3. Go to the Checks tab and locate the check number that is to be voided, and highlight that row.

  4. Select the Void button at the bottom of the window. The following window will appear:

  5. Verify the correct check was selected and hit the Next button. If this is the wrong check, select Cancel.

  6. Enter the date the check is to be voided. This defaults to the date of the check, which is the recommended date to use for the void.

  7. Click the Finish button to complete the void.  If the check being voided is a time card in a closed pay period, the following message will appear when the Void button is clicked:

    Click OK on the above message.

Void Check in a Closed Pay Period

To void a check in a Closed Pay Period take the additional following steps:

  1. Go to Labor > Pay Periods of open the following window:

  2. Select the closed pay period that needs to be opened and highlight.

  3. Click the Reopen button at the bottom of the window.

  4. Continue with step (1) of the previous section for voiding a payroll check.